Childhood Apraxia of Speech
Developmental Apraxia Speech (DAS) is a neurological condition that prevents the individual from performing voluntary motor routines or from implementing motor-planning activities in sequence even when the muscles needed to perform the movement are not weak or paralyzed.
Children with severe, persistent speech disorders accompanied by certain language and behavioral features are said to have DAS.
Auditory Processing Disorders
Auditory Processing Disorders are deficits in the information processing of audible sounds not attributed to impaired hearing or an intellectual impairment. AUDITORY PROCESSING DISORDERS refers to limitations in the ongoing transmission, analysis, organization, transformation, elaboration, storage, retrieva,l and use of information contained in audible signals. Simply stated, CENTRAL AUDITORY PROCESSING involves what we do with what we hear!
Language – Learning Disorders
Language – Learning Disabilities refers to those children that have difficulty with various aspects of communication that interfere with their ability to succeed in school. Children with a language-learning disability experience difficulties with their language and speech development and subsequently they have difficulties with single word reading and comprehension.
ASD – Autism Spectrum Disorder
Autism Spectrum Disorders represent a spectrum of difficulties in socialization, communication and behavior. It is a lifelong disability.
Diagnostic criteria for ASD includes:
An Impairment in reciprocal social interaction. This is described as a lack of responsiveness to, or interest in, people.
An impairment in verbal and nonverbal communication and in imaginative activity. This may include no speech, echolalia, pronoun reversals, abnormal speech melody, inability to use abstract terms or understand jokes, and/or absence of fantasy play.
A restricted repertoire of activities and interests. The child resists change, has motor stereotypes such as hand flapping, and may show interest with movement.
Onset during infancy and almost always by 36 months.